The article is "The Militant Homosexual and our plan of action - Petitions and Demands," and is about the gay rights movements demands in Mexico.
"The militant homosexual and our plan of action"
The gay movement is facing distinct obstacles to be recognised and we consider that there will be interest and have ilustrated these points
We want to have a life the way we are in front of the eyes of society and that no-one rapproaches us or shows us nothing but respect.
There is exists a strong campaign that we are carrying out within the media of communication, in the government and within the laws and even in the same system of education in the United States.
Its important to give a count of the gay groups there are very well organised and in the state environment and we exersise a political influence very strong and at a national scale. This ferocious militant activity is possible should that we are capable of collecting millions of dollars annually in the first world for political activities.
The 25th APril, 2003, the homosexual movement carried out till the end, a gay muach of pride in Washington and thousands of couples of gay men and homosexual women they got married with the help of Reverend Troy Perry, who founded a church for homosexuals, as he is, that has extended from California to all the United States and reached 15 other countries, including México, Peru and Argentina.
Also participating were 100s of transvestities and transexuals. During the march, the activists for the rights of homosexuals, they raised seven general demands, around which they grouped 55 other specific demands.
The first demand is to abolish all the laws which prohibit gay unions and that legalise all the types of sexual, intimate activity. This demand implies the changing of the laws of consent, to permit relations with people of the same sex and already what is acheived in other places, gay marriage.
The second demand is that to be also more common that we do not spend our own money to pay for operations to change sex.
The third demand chosen is the legalisation of marriages of members of the same sex in all countries and adoption of babies.
The fourth demand chosen requires a full participation of us, lesbians, homosexuals, bi-sexuals and transexuals in programs of education within childrens preschools and school orientation in general.
The fifth demand chosen requires that the anti-contraceptives are disposed to all people and included regularly those with few resources.
The sixth demand chosen is the open availability of artifical insemination of lesbians and bi-sexuals and prohibition of expression of worry about homosexuality that is based in religion.
The seventh chosen demand is organisations like Boy Scouts accept a gay patrol as director.
These demands are part of the objectives of all the homosexual groups, those which want the acceptance of homosexuality as a human right more and that protect that conduct in all the mexican states, beggining with the cities, until reaching a national level.
In fact, the demands mentioned are part of a project of federal law about the cvil rights of lesbians and homosexuals that the gay groups acheived to have introduced in Congress in the United States.
In the last years, certain homosexual organisations have united to organisations such as the Family Planning Federation of the United States, to ask that they offer more extensive sexual education.
They ask that sex education be included in the education about the body and the illnesses, other theme that the homosexual activists use is to promote a new style of in the schools, in the universitys and medias of communication.
In all of this pro-homosexual campaign we find to open the mind of society to create this the majority acceptability for all the homosexual and lesbian groups.
Already we have acheived in some places in the US, but to acheive it in the 3rd world like Mexico, we know this will be very difficult.
Also, in various of the universities, more prominent of the countries of the third world, and now we have begun in UNAM, already we have introduced courses, conferences, and until they have created centers of study about homosexuality and lesbianism, presenting them like styles of life so perfectably acceptable like the heterosexual.
We are able to see, by travelling through this road, that the gay movement lacks a lot. The most difficult thing is to be able to convince the society that we are born here and to avoid that the people think that we have returned thus on account of an unfortunate event that a great trauma caused us.
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