Saturday, March 28, 2009

Political Latino Music

Manu Chua, obstensibly from France, but with Spanish lyrics are performing in Mexico. They came out against state repression which occurred in Atenco, a city north of Mexico City, in 2006. The same year, massive state repression happened in Oaxaca.

In Atenco's case, many women were sexually violated. Many men, women and children jailed. The struggle was over the right to sell products on the street. The local government wanted to "clean" up the town.

So Manu Chua had a press conference and condemned the repression. Then got threatened with being thrown out cos the Mexican constitution has a section in it about foreigners not being involved in politics. Then they cancelled some shows, then Peter Gabrial, who is also here performing, joined in and condemned the Atenco repression and the Calderon (president) government for threatening Manu Chau with deportation.

Then Calderon backed off and agreed to a meeting with Peter Gabrial and other artists/ performers! There is a picture of Calderon (who never smiles) and the group of artists having it out. Great stuff. Manu Chua got to stay and perform some more. Of course, Calderon muttered niceties about getting more evidence about what happened in Atenco and if, it did, doing something. I think nothing concrete will come out of the Calderon government on Atenco. Elections are coming up, so Calderon had to placate the musicians who have heaps of influence over the youth. The real victory here was the back down over the deportation, and the solidarity and politics shown by the musicians. That, and the fact Atenco and the crimes of Calderon and co. are being raised once again.


Peter Gabriel, below, looking splendid.

Which gives me a nice segue into listing some good political latino/ vasco bands.

Molotov - anarchistas de EU y México
Kortatu - del país Vasco
Fabuloso Codillacs - Argentína
Todos Tus Muertes - hiphop, Argentína
Aterciopelados - Columbiano
Los Prisioneros - Chile
Panteón rocoró - México, ska music
Quilopayan: Chile
Calle 13: Puerto Rico - regattron, política y pro-feminista
Cafe ta Cuba
Orishaz: Cuba - hip hip
Ruben Vladez
Kandela: Cuba feminista, hip hop